Sunday, 22, September, 2024

The constitutional Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan Law, which was approved at the referendum on April 30, took effect on May 1, from the day the results of the referendum were announced by the Central Election Commission.

According to the Law, the new Constitution has replaced the December 8, 1992 Constitution of Uzbekistan. The December 8 remains Constitution Day.

The text of the new Constitution in the new edition is available on the website of the Central Election Commission.

As reported earlier, 90.2% of voters voted in favor of the new Constitution, 9.35% voted against, with a turnout of 84.5%.

If the previous Constitution had 128 articles, the new one has 155.

The law states that the provisions of the Constitution from the moment it takes effect "act directly and regardless of the adoption or existence of relevant laws and other regulations."

The Cabinet of Ministers has been instructed to develop and submit to Parliament a program of measures to bring legislation in line with the new version of the Constitution within two months.

Within three months, a “program of measures to ensure the performance of the socio-economic obligations by the state”, enshrined in the new Constitution edition, “including taking into account the revision of the tasks and functions of the republican executive bodies as part of the ongoing administrative reforms in the country”.

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