Wednesday, 12, March, 2025

An online auction trade ended on the E-AUKSION platform for a location to install a fixed radar at the intersection of Hamid Olimjon and Abdulla Qodiri streets in the Tashkent’s Mirabad district. The trade had been going on since the end of July.

The traffic flow on this section is estimated at 32 thousand vehicles.

The starting price of 36.7 million soums by the end of the auction increased by 95 times. A foreign company Tech Age won the bid offering the highest price – 3.496 billion soums, or US$ 330 thousand, while 64-BIT, which offered 3 billion 494 million 925 thousand soums was placed second.

Earlier, businesses were allowed to install cameras and radars on the roads for photo and video recording of traffic violations from the spring of 2021. Places are secured through an auction - the winners will be awarded locations for an unlimited period with the right to assign.

3356 video cameras and 763 radars are expected to be installed in the country in 2021-2022.

Now more than 340 lots are put up for auction in all provinces.

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