Saturday, 26, October, 2024

Four pharmaceutical industrial zones (PIZ) could be created in Uzbekistan. A draft Presidential Decree on this was published on the government portal for discussion.

The document foresees creation of the following PIZs: Boysun-Pharm in Boysun district of Surkhandarya region, Bustonliq-Pharm in Bostanlik district of Tashkent region, Zaamin-Pharm in Zaamin district of Jizzakh region and Syrdarya-Pharm in Syrdarya region.

The decision is aimed at “creating favorable conditions for attracting foreign and domestic investments into modern production facilities for processing of local raw materials and production of pharmaceutical products with high added value, creation of new jobs and raising incomes.

It is expected that the validity term of PIZ will be 30 years with possible extension. During this period special tax and customs privileges (for a period of 3 to 10 years depending on the amount of investment) will apply in the PIZs.

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