Tuesday, 11, February, 2025

South Korean GS Engineering & Construction Corp. will launch the methanol-to-gasoline (MTG) unit in 2022 in Uzbekistan.

The presidential Measures to Speed up Development of Uzbekistan's Chemical Industry Decree includes the launch of high-octane gasoline production unit at Navoiazot JSC with estimated cost of US$ 200 million.

According to the project realization schedule, in December GS Engineering & Construction Corp., UzKimyoSanoat and Navoiazot intend to sign the constituent documents for setting up of a joint venture for the project. The unit's annual capacity will be 104.3 thousand tons of gasoline from methanol and 14.4 thousand tons of propane-butane mixture.

The project feasibility study will be due by the end of 2019.

Construction will be commenced In May 2020 and in December 2022 the enterprise is schedulaed to be commissioned.

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