Friday, 18, October, 2024


President Shavkat Mirziyoyev at the government meeting on September 23 announced new system of real estate sales using escrow accounts in Uzbekistan, his spokesman Sherzod Asadov said.

Solar photoelectric power plant project has commenced in Buka district of Tashkent province. According to the provincial governor’s office, the project is being implemented by the Chinese China Datang company. The inauguration ceremony was attended by the chairman of the corporation's board Zhou Lei, his deputy Li Zhangwei and other officials of the management.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev touched upon violations in the construction sector at the September 23 government meeting. In particular, last year, construction of 1,600 facilities began without registration, and since the year-to-date, the number of such facilities has reached 2,200.

On September 23, the Yunusabad district criminal court began a trial on the case against the former chief of Toshshahartranskhizmat (a government body responsible for Tashkent public transport), Anvar Juraev.

The Senate at its session on September 21 passed the Bill adopting liability for practicing traditional medicine without permit. According to the Protection of individuals' health Bill, persons without medical education have the right to practice medicine using traditional medicine methods. However, to do so, they need a conclusion from the Special Commission for Licensing Medical Activities Using Traditional Medicine Methods under the Ministry of Health.

The Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Rafael Mariano Grossi hosted the Uzbek government delegation led by the chairman of the Committee on Industry, Radiation and Nuclear Safety of Uzbekistan, Abduvaqqos Rafikov at the Agency’s headquarters in Vienna.

Uzbekistan National Action Plan for Public Health Security for 2024-2028 has been developed and was presented during a political dialogue in Tashkent on September 18-19.

Botir Zakhidov has been named as the Minister of Employment and Poverty Reduction. This was announced by the president Shavkat Mirziyoyev at a government meeting on Monday, his spokesman Sherzod Asadov reported.

Driver in a GM Gentra hit a 19-year-old girl at a crosswalk in Shaykhantakhur district of Tashkent at high speed. The victim died on the spot from her injuries.

260,191 passenger cars were manufactured in the automobile manufacturing industry of Uzbekistan during the eight months of 2024, the Statistics Agency said in a report.

Uzgidromet announced the Tashkent city weather forecast for the week. The weather will be mostly dry, but light short-term rain is possible on September 26. The temperature at night will be +14…+17 degrees Celsius, and within +28…+31 degrees range during the day on September 23-25 ​, while on September 26-27 — it will reach +24…+27 degrees.

Traffic accident occurred in the Romitan district of the Bukhara province, in which a schoolboy died. Reportedly, the assistant to the district mayor in Iftikhor mahalla, Elyor Toshpulatov hit a third-grader from the 7th school in a Nexia 2, who died at the scene.

About 2 years ago, after the announcement of mobilization in Russia, a huge number of Russians came to Tashkent. Some left Uzbekistan soon, but others fell in love with this country and stayed here.

In 2023, the largest share of damage to state interests from corruption-related crimes occurred in Andijan, Namangan, Kashkadarya and Tashkent provinces. The number of corruption-related crimes increased in Surkhandarya and Andijan provinces.

The Senate at its September 20 session passed amendments on harsher measures to protect against domestic violence. According to the Senate, the amendments were developed based on the World Bank's recommendation to improve the effectiveness of measures to prevent harassment and violence against children and women, and to improve the spiritual and moral atmosphere in families.

The Senate passed the bill regulating educational activities at its September 20 session, the press service of the Senate said. Reportedly, there are an increasing number of cases of "unhealthy educational work among young people, within the framework of which various alien views and ideas influence the consciousness, culture and feelings of the population and young people”.

Due to the mass death of bees in Russia, the price of honey is increasing. This is due to the pesticides used by farmers, said Valery Kapunin, chairman of the Russian Beekeepers Association.

In Tashkent’s Sergeli district on the afternoon of September 19, a BYD crossover (license plate 01 444 VFA) hit a nine-year-old schoolgirl, the press service of the Tashkent police department said.

Today, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) added $6.1 million in new funding to its ongoing Development Objective Grant Agreement (DOAG) with the Ministry of Preschool and School Education, raising the total amount invested in the DOAG to over $47 million.

Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Ministry of Agriculture and the Malaysian major robotics firm Meraque Group.