Friday, 20, September, 2024

On April 1, President of Shavkat Mirziyoyev hosted the visiting Speaker of Milli Majlis of Azerbaijan Sahiba Gafarova. She thanked the Uzbek leader for the warm welcome, conveyed sincere greetings and best wishes from the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev.

During the meeting, Shavkat Mirziyoyev emphasized that the common historical roots, language, religion, culture, traditions and values serve as the basis of the strategic partnership between our countries. He added that tangible results had been achieved in recent years in the bilateral ties based on this solid foundation,.

He underscored the progress is in all areas of cooperation - the economy, politics, inter-parliamentary relations, culture and the social area and that there were intensive contacts, exchanges of official delegations, representatives of business and public circles at all levels.

He added that the two-way trade has quadrupled In recent years, despite the pandemic, with bilateral trade increasing by 25 percent year-to-date and over 200 joint ventures created.

This positive dynamics was also facilitated by the establishment of a close and multifaceted partnership between the parliaments of Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan. In order to further develop interaction, it is necessary to strengthen systemic and regular cooperation between the legislative bodies of the two countries.

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