Friday, 20, September, 2024

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) launched a new five-year, $10 million Youth Workforce Development and Entrepreneurship Activity in Uzbekistan.

“USAID is proud to support the Government of Uzbekistan in developing its human capital potential, ensuring that the country's youth population is prepared to succeed in the workforce,” USAID/Uzbekistan Mission Director Mikaela Meredith stated.

The new activity started in January 2022, and will equip youth in Grades 8-11 with the necessary skills to enter Uzbekistan's economy as competent employees or entrepreneurs. The activity will target in-school and afterschool students to ensure a successful school-to-work transition. Implemented by American Councils for International Education, the activity will focus on raising the profile of girls and people with disabilities in the workplace, work closely with the private sector, and build the capacity of Ministry of Public Education staff through every stage of the activity to ensure ownership and sustainability.

American Councils will work closely with the Ministry of Public Education, USAID’s key education sector partner, on all aspects of the activity. It will also utilize  a team of international and local organizations to implement different components of the activity. This includes technical partner, World Learning, an international organization that possesses global experience and expertise in youth workforce development and entrepreneurship.

During the five years of the activity, American Councils will collaborate with local experts to ensure the inclusion of females and people with disabilities in the workforce, understand the needs of the local labor market, monitor and evaluate activity implementation, and to facilitate government engagement with private-sector companies participating as advisors, mentors, and internship hosts.

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