Friday, 20, September, 2024

The Uzbekistan unemployment rate due to the coronavirus pandemic is at 14-15%, Minister of Employment and Labor Relations Nozim Khusanov said.

“Before the pandemic, the unemployment rate in Uzbekistan was 9.3%, and now, according to our rough and provisional estimates, it is now at 14-15%. That is, there is an increase of 5-6%. But, on the other hand, now enterprises in “green” zones are gradually resuming their activities, and this is already giving positive results,” the minister said added.

The highest unemployment rate in the first quarter - 9.8% - was recorded in Samarkand and Surkhandarya provinces, 9.7% - in Jizzakh, Kashkadarya, Syrdarya and Ferghana province, the lowest - 7.8% - in Tashkent city.

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