Thursday, 19, September, 2024

The Uzbek-native Russian billionaire Alisher Usmanov donated US$ 20 million to Uzbekistan during the pandemic. He will soon donate allocated another US$ 5 million, the Deputy Prime Minister Jamshid Kochkarov during a session of the International Press Club on April 23.

“We have received 600 billion soums in charities. In particular, Alisher Usmanov contributed allocated US$ 20 million, and today another US$ 5 million will be received from him. This money will be used to equip the emergency hospital that is being built in Zangiota district. Also, UzTex donated US$ 1 million, Bakht Textile in Navoi donated US$ 500,000, and the Tashkent Trade Center in Turkey donated US$ 200,000”, he said.

According to Kuchkarov, the total amount of money contributed to the recently created Mercy and Health Fund of Uzbekistan surpassed 71 billion soums, US$ 7 million.

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