Thursday, 13, March, 2025

Yet another audio recording was leaked to Youtube of the meeting in Bukhara chaired by the President Mirziyoyev in which he again criticized the local National Security officers:  

"It's big time the executives at all levels make appropriate conclusions, open their eyes wide and not give into indulgence. Especially the four executives (police, prosecutor, tax and customs services), and now the fifth executive has joined you. We have a body: these gentlemen are called the national security [service]. You all know, what changes are happening in Uzbekistan. Giving so much power to a single body is pure treason to the state. Whether somebody likes it or not, I don’t care, I will do what the people need.”

“There is enormous discontent in Bukhara, with many complaints inflowing from business people who are dissatisfied with the service. The service would initiate investigation against every successful businessman on various made up pretexts. As a result all businessmen fled from Bukhara to other countries and other cities, where they are suffering. This is our reality.”

“They are now sitting here among us with their faces down. Before they wouldn’t come to such meetings, 'coz they thought they were big people and that they had inherited the power from their ancestors. Should the Emir Alimkhan (the last Emir of the Bukhara Emirate) be alive, he wouldn’t have given them such powers either. “

"Nobody has given them such powers, but they took them themselves. From now on, the justice will be served, the punishment will be inevitable, there will be an order, a fair and just order. There is not a single country in the world where one entity has single-handedly concentrated so much power in its hands, not even in 1937 (in the wake of Stalinist repressions). Now the things are getting better, I'm not willing to elaborate much, but many of them are now standing before justice, and they have now started talking. They have not yet suffered as much as their victims."

"I have a lot of sources from Bukhara. I have photographs of innocent people being tortured. I have got the names of all those officers who carried out those investigations. God willing, you will watch all these on TV. I'll make the perpetrators suffer as much as their victims. Why? Because the justice must be done. They will be sentenced for 20 years if necessary."

"You already know, some of them were sentenced to life imprisonment. We will apply the same approach here as well. In Bukhara and Surkhandarya the officers have become like “mad dogs”. We started cleansing the service in Bukhara. There they used to do whatever they wanted, put in prison whomever they wanted, they could even put “an electric pole” in prison.”

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