Sunday, 08, September, 2024

Total number of deaths in 2023 was at 172.8 thousand people, the Statistics Agency's said in a report. In recent years, the peak increase in deaths was reached in 2020 (13.6%), which is apparently due to the coronavirus pandemic. In the next two years - 2021 and 2022 - fewer people died than in each previous year (by 0.6% and 1.4%, respectively). Growth again appeared only at the end of 2023 - by 0.4% compared to the previous year.

Over the past year, 95 thousand men and 77.8 thousand women died (with no change in this trend to 2022). In urban areas, net deaths topped 93.6 thousand, in rural areas - 79.2 thousand (the situation is approximately the same as in 2022).

Of those who died in 2023, 8.8% were people under working age, 24.6% were people of working age, and 66.6% were people over working age. In 2022, it was reported that 20% of the total died under the age of 20, 24.6% died from 20 to 59 years, and 55.4% died 60 years and older. Thus, we can talk about a significant (2.3 times) reduction in the share of mortality among children and young people and a slight increase in the share of the elderly.

Of the registered causes of death for 2023, 61.1% were diseases of the cardio-vascular system, 10.8% - neoplasms, 5.5% - respiratory diseases, 4.8% - accidents, poisonings and injuries, 4.1% - diseases of the digestive system, 1.3% - infectious and parasitic diseases, 12.4% - other diseases.

In 2022, diseases of the circulatory system were also the most common cause of death, but their share was still smaller - only 55.5%. In second place were respiratory diseases, but this year their share has halved (9.6%). At the same time, the proportion of deaths from neoplasms increased (8%).

By province, the highest mortality rate was recorded in Tashkent - 5.2 ppm, in Karakalpakstan, Tashkent and Syrdarya provinces - 5.1 ppm each. The lowest figure was 4.3 ppm in Navoi and Bukhara provinces.

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