Saturday, 27, July, 2024

Uzbekistan climbed 1 place to rank 149th out of 167 in the Democracy Index 2022, This was claimed in the Economist Intelligence Units Democracy Index 2022 released on Thursday.

According to the index, Uzbekistan had a cumulative score of 2.12 for 2022.

For the five categories, it scored:

  • quality of electoral process and pluralism - 0.08 points out of 10;
  • functioning of government - 1.86 points;
  • political participation - 2.78 points;
  • political culture - 5 points;
  • civil liberties - 0.88 points.

Uzbekistan had the same scores in 2021 and 2020.

In the regional Eastern Europe ranking, , Uzbekistan was ranked 25 out of 28, with Belarus, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan in the bottom. There are still no Full democracies in the region: out of 28 countries, 16 are Flawed democracies (eastern EU member states and the western Balkans), four Hybrid regimes (Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia and Ukraine) and eight Authoritarian regimes (Azerbaijan, Belarus, Russia and all countries of Central Asia), the report says.

The top three spots in the index were occupied by the likes of Norway, New Zealand and Iceland.

The rest of the top five comprised Sweden and Finland.

They had cumulative scores of 9.29 and above.

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