Saturday, 27, July, 2024

The Court of First Instance, chaired by Judge of the Judicial Collegium of the Criminal Court of Karakalpakstan Yelubay Abibullayev, at a meeting on January 31, announced the verdict against 22 accused.

Dauletmurat Tazhimuratov, 43, lawyer at the El Khyzmetinde (In the Service of the People) newspaper, was found guilty under Conspiracy to seize power or overthrow the constitutional order of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Theft by embezzlement or embezzlement on an especially large scale, Legalization of proceeds from crime, Organization of mass riots accompanied by violence against a person, pogroms, arson, damage or destruction of property, resistance to a representative of the authorities with the use or threat of use of weapons or other items used as weapons, as well as active participation in mass riots and Manufacturing, storage , distribution or demonstration of materials containing a threat to public safety and public order, committed upon prior collective agreement or a group of persons; using official position; using the media or telecommunications networks, as well as the Internet charges of the Criminal Code of Uzbekistan.

The judge sentenced him to 16 years in prison. The prosecutor asked for 18 years in prison.

The punishment begins to be calculated from July 5, 2022.

Also, Tazhimuratov must pay damages for 228.8 million soum, or USD 21 thousand.

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