Friday, 14, March, 2025

At the Uzbek Ministry of Finance were held talks with Veolia group of companies (France) and were discussed a number of issues on heating services and energy consumption in the city of Namangan.

The meeting aimed at determining the mechanism for implementing an integrated energy services management system, as well as uninterrupted supply and efficient distribution of heat throughout the city of Namangan.

The sides discussed the possibility of applying the generation 4 central heating systems, as well as low closed -temperature equipment with maximum automation and remote monitoring system.

Veolia is a French transnational company and a global leader with activities in four main service and utility areas traditionally managed by public authorities – water management, waste management, transport and energy services. Veolia employs 163,000 employees in 48 countries.

At this stage Veolia intends to contribute to the improvement and modernization of the existing utility systems in Uzbekistan.

A world standards pilot project is planned to be implemented, with innovative technologies to be used to improve the quality of utilities and ensure sustainable functioning of the city economy. With the first positive results achieved, the project’s experience is to be extended to other cities.

According to preliminary estimates, the expected effect from the introduction of Veolia’s innovative solutions in Namangan:

- improvement in heat supply, including ensuring a stable heat supply during the peak consumption period, prompt response and elimination of accidents and emergencies;

- reduced emission in harmful gases;

- saving 24.5 mcm of natural gas per year will be achieved.

In the end of the day, the successful project implementation will contribute to improving the quality of life and service to consumers in the city of Namangan.

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