Wednesday, 12, March, 2025

The Veterinary and Livestock Development Committee and the Indian genetic company Avee Broilers vowed to launc a poultry production facility in the Zaamin, Bakhmal and Gallyaral districts of the Jizzakh province and the Bulungur district of the Samarkand province, the press service of the Parrandasanoat association said.

The projects are expected to produce 4 million heads of parental poultry for the needs of Uzbekistan and Central Asia. Today, the annual demand for poultry meat in the 120-million province is about 1.2 million tons, or 5.5 million heads. While, Central Asia imports about 200 thousand tons of meat from European countries. The cost of the project is estimated at $43 million. Part of the investment will be covered by the Uzbek side.

At the first stage in 2024-2025, an enterprise will be created to grow a pure line of poultry - individuals with characteristics that are completely passed on to offspring due to genetic homogeneity.

At the second stage in 2025, it is planned to create one incubator and establish the cultivation of the progenitor flock - the generation whose offspring will become the basis for the production of poultry supplied to the population.

Avee Broilers has announced its readiness to annually produce 4 million heads of parent stock, which is expected to significantly reduce transportation costs for the supply of breeding material to Uzbekistan.

“Today, the logistics costs of parent stock from European countries are $2 per head. When implementing the project in Uzbekistan, the cost will be 50 cents per head, which can save Central Asia up to $5 million,” the report says.

Earlier in June, proposals for the development of livestock farming were presented to the President of Uzbekistan. In particular, it was planned to introduce genetic technologies in poultry farming jointly with the United States.

At the presentation, it was underscored that the issue of genetics was most important in poultry farming. Uzbekistan does not have a first-order reproducer for meat poultry, and second-order poultry is imported. With the introduction of genetic technologies in poultry farming, it will be possible to create breeding farms in the country.

In addition, plans were previously announced to exempt poultry enterprises from land tax for 5 years and allow the export of poultry meat.

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