Saturday, 21, September, 2024


Yesterday, president’s envoy for Afghanistan, Ismatulla Ergashev met with the British Minister of State for the Armed Forces, James Heappey.

16-year-old boy was killed in the night explosion in the Sergeli district of Tashkent. The information was confirmed by an employee of the district mayor’s office.

Meeting of energy ministers of Japan and Central Asian countries took place in mixed format as part of the Tokyo GX Week international week, Dunyo said.

The Senate will convene for its forty-fifth plenary session on September 29, the Senate’s press service said in a statement on Wednesday.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev will visit Berlin, Germany on September 28-30 on a working visit to attend the Central Asia-Germany Summit, the Uzbek presidnet's press service said.

Powerful explosion occurred at the warehouse of the Inter Logistics company today at 2:43 AM on Kuruvchilar (Builders) area in the Sergeli district of Tashkent city near the airport, the Customs Committee, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other departments reported.

The Minister of Transport Ilhom Mahkamov met with his Chinese counterpart of Li Xiaopen. The parties discussed the ways to develop transport cooperation between the two countries, in particular, the progress of the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway project and the development of the Andijan-Osh-Irkeshtom-Kashgar multimodal transport corridor.

Deputy Minister of Transport Jasurbek Choriev, during business trip to the United States, met with the Emir Pineda, Trade & Logistics Manager for the Marketing Division at the Miami-Dade Aviation Department, which operates Miami International Airport, the press service of the Ministry of Transport said.

The governor of Fergana province, Khairulla Bozorov, hosted the chiefs of Uzbek-Chinese joint venture, Guan Jong Wu and Erkin Mahmudov, in Beshariq district.

Uzbekistan International Forums Palace hosted the Conference of the chiefs of general staff of the countries of Central and South Asia today in Tashkent, the press service of the Ministry of Defense said.

The economies of Central Asia demonstrated strong growth in the first half of 2023, bolstered by a resumption of international trade and tourism, as well as high levels of migration and remittances from Russia, according to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development’s (EBRD) latest Regional Economic Prospects (REP) report, published today.

The Center for Economic Research and Reforms (CERR) organized an International round table on the topic: “National Sustainable Development Goals of Uzbekistan: Progress and Challenges in Achieving the SDGs”. The event is supported by the United Nations Development Programme(UNDP) in Uzbekistan.

At the Uzbek-US business forum as part of the visit of the President Shavkat Mirziyoyev to the United States, one of the thermal power plants enterprises, Uzbekenergotamir, signed a $60 million contract with General Electric Global Parts and Products, the press service of the TPP said.

Antistrumin drug is being sold by retailers at 2300-3000 soums. The Ministry of Health bought 3.5 million boxes of this drug from SAMO at a price of 5,500-6,500 soums without call for bids. This iodine product has come to public attention due to the poisoning of hundreds of children.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev at a government meeting on September 25 said that the pace of reforms in the railway sector lags behind reforms in other sectors and that it was big time has come to make fundamental changes in this area.” This was announced by his press secretary Sherzod Asadov.

The Center for Safety of Pharmaceutical Products under the Ministry of Health (UzPharmNazorat) launched a probe into the pharmaceutical company Samo, which produces the drug Antistrumin (potassium iodide), the press service of the Center said.

Officials of the Uzbek Embassy hosted the Director of Regional and International Relations of the Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Saudi Arabia Khalil al-Afra.

By 2030, Uzbekistan wants to double the size of its GDP. To do that, its officials must balance the interests of the US, Russia and China.

Uzbekistan’s entire infrastructure is ready for gas imports from Russia transiting through Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Energy said on Monday.

The Minister of Defense, Lieutenant-General Bahodir Qurbonov today hosted the Commander of the United States, General Michael E. Kurilla, the ministry said.