Wednesday, 12, March, 2025

During the 10th plenary session of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis, the senators considered  the Making Amendments and Addenda, Recognition as Void of Some Legal Acts of Uzbekistan Bill.

Pursuant to the April 21, 2017 Presidential Decree "On improving the  governance system in the sphere of ecology and environmental protection", amendments have been made to the Code of Administrative Liability of Uzbekistan aimed at harshening the liability for uneconomical use of lands or causing damage to them, violation of provisions of using subsoil resources, rules for protection of water resources, environmental requirements for transportation, distribution, utilization, processing of industrial, domestic and other wastes, including for repeated commission of these offenses.

In accordance with the State Program "The Year of Healthy Mother and Child" approved by the February 9, 2016 Presidential Decree, amendments and additions are made to the Guarantees to Ensure Child Rights Law and Guardianship and Custodianship Law, with respect to the definition of the category of children who are under full State’s charge, and banning the appointment as guardians or custodians of persons suffering from diseases that prevent their appointment as guardians or custodians.

In accordance with the Program of Comprehensive Measures to Ensure Rapid Development of Entrepreneurship, for all-round protection of private property and quality upgrade of business environment in Uzbekistan, approved by the October 5, 2016 Decree of the President of Uzbekistan, amendments and addenda are made to State Tax Service Law,  Economic Code of Practice, Tax Code. They are aimed at further expanding the use of modern ICTs in the activities of state tax authorities, improving administration that minimizes the costs of collecting taxes and other mandatory payments, widespread introduction of remote (desk) control and increasing the legal literacy of taxpayers, simplifying the mechanism and increasing efficiency of document circulation between courts and participants of process.

According to senators, the amendments will minimize the costs of collecting taxes and other mandatory payments, will reduce costs and time spent by participants of the process, as well as save time for tax authorities, judges and taxpayers.

Modifications are also made to Uzbekistan’s Prosecutor's Office Law. In order to ensure the high-quality execution of assigned tasks, the Prosecutor-General is given the right, in some cases, to hire specialists who have higher education in economics, finances, sociology, information and communication technologies and other fields that have the necessary knowledge and experience to serve in the prosecutor's office.

In pursuance of the Uzbekistan’s Medicines and Pharmaceutical Activities Law (new version) and the Resolution of the President of Uzbekistan of February 14, 2017 "On Measures for Further Improvement the Procedure of Sale of Medicines and Medical Products, Licensing of Pharmaceutical Activities", the Law introduces changes to some legislative acts, a, new definitions are given to such concepts as medicines, medical products, in addition, new definitions have been introduced such as medical technology, medicinal plant raw materials, etc.

Law has also recognized certain laws to be void. 

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