Respect for Women Week will run from March 3 to 10 in Uzbekistan on the ocassion of the International Women's Day - March 8, the Family and Women's Committee said on Sunday.
The Week will reportedly feature events in accordance with the MoM of the Cabinet of Ministers and will be aimed at supporting women, protecting their rights and boosting their social, economic and political activity, employment, attracting them to doing business.
In addition, the Week will include media contests "reflecting the practical results of reforms" and ceremonial meetings.
331 women will get Mutabar Ayol (Respected Woman) awards for being proactive and making a worthy contribution to the development of society through their work.
Women added to the Women's and Youth books, as well as veterans, will visit the Yangi Uzbekistan Park, museums, theaters, cinemas, concerts and other cultural venues on discounted prices.
Flash mobs and challenges with the participation of young people on the topics: "Respect for a woman is a sign of kindness and justice", "Mother is a source of kindness", "I am proud of my mother", "My contribution to the development of the country" will be held in social networks.
"Medical buses" will be organized under the slogan "You are always in the spotlight!", in which women in need of social support will be able to undergo an in-depth medical examination in mahallas.
Cultural and educational events will also be held in women's prisons.
Master classes and training workshops will be organized entitled "Women's Spirituality", "The Happiness of Motherhood", "Problem Situations and Reasonable Solutions", "Psychology of Communication", "Healthy Nutrition", "Healthy Lifestyle"With the participation of members of the Oqila Ayollar (Wise Women) movement and the Ayol Marifati (Women's Education) public council under the Family and Women's Committee.
Mahallas will host master classes in sewing, cooking and gardening.
"Dear women of our country, dear girls, actively participate in the events of the week "Respect for Women"!", the committee urged.