Saturday, 06, July, 2024

Footage of an elderly man slapping a young child in the face surfaced on social networks. The children's ombudsman said that it had launched a probe into the case.

The probe found that the incident occurred on June 30 in the city of Tashkent. When M.A., a retired person living in Mirzo Ulug'bek district went for a walk with his grandson A.A., 4. At that time, the boy ran away, and the grandfather was worried about his grandson and looked for him.

Then he found him in front of a school, which was far from his home, and he hit his grandson several times out of anger.

A forensic examination has been appointed to determine the extent of the child's injuries.

Earlier, in Termiz, the father beat his child mercilessly and treated him cruelly. A father in Toyloq district of Samarkand province beat his 6-year-old stepson with a belt.

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