Friday, 20, September, 2024

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev instructed PM Abdulla Aripov to address the fully abandonning of AI-80 gasoline from 2025, the president’s spokesman Sherzod Asadov said.

At the government meeting on housing, construction, utilities, transport and ecology on January 29, the president also ordered the development of specific mechanisms for Tashkent city to reduce the environmental impact of heavy vehicles, vehicles older than 10 years, as well as the use of fuel below the Euro-4 standard.

Earlier, the Ministry of Ecology named the main factors of air pollution in Tashkent: emissions from vehicles running on low-quality fuel, the use of coal and fuel oil at thermal and power plants, construction work without master plans and cutting down trees. One of the most urgent proposed measures to solve the problem is a ban on the use of fuel, in particular, AI-80 gasoline, an environmental category below the Euro-4 standard.

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