Friday, 20, September, 2024

5 members of one family died from carbon monoxide poisoning in the Karakalpakstan autonomy, with 2 more people hospitalized on December 15, the spokesman to the Prosecutor General's Office said.

People in Kenes village in Chimbay district found the owner of the apartment, M.B. in his home and six other family members lying unconscious, and called an ambulance.

Forensic examination found that the owner of the apartment, M.B., 66, Z.M., 62, S.B., 37, A.A., 15, M.A., 12, died.

They were also found unconscious in critical condition and hospitalized to the District Medical Association T.O., 28,and A.B., 23.

The investigation found that a stove was burning inside the house and there were signs of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Earlier, 4 people in two families in Namangan and Fergana regions died due to carbon monoxide poisoning.

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