Friday, 20, September, 2024

US authorities returned 119 Uzbek nationals who illegally entered the country back to Uzbekistan, the UzReport TV reported, which met the arriving Uzbek citizens at the Tashkent airport. The footage was posted on the Telegram channel of the Agency for External Labor Migration.

Reportedly, most of them tried to get to the United States through Mexico.

One of those who arrived said that he went to the USA to earn money. Together with a friend, they wanted to get a job as loaders in a store and earn 10-12 thousand dollars a month.

The man said that he arrived in the United States on September 3 and since then he was detained for 110 days. He complained that he was “not given bread, because they don’t eat bread there very often, and the food is boiled, not fried.”

The Uzbek man's journey to Mexico took 30 days, and then he was asked for $5,000 to transfer across the border to the United States. According to him, they were detained along the way by police officers who threatened them with deportation, which is why they “had to spend another 1,500-2,000 dollars.”

The Fox News channel, citing internal data from the US Customs and Border Protection Service, previously reported that from October 2021 to October 2023, more than 13 thousand citizens of Uzbekistan were detained in the United States while trying to illegally cross the border.

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