Friday, 20, September, 2024

President Mirziyoyev today signed the Measures to implement the “A Thousand Books for Youth” project Decree. In accordance with the Decree, the Agency for Youth Affairs will implement the “A Thousand Books for Youth” project, within the framework of which 1000 world-famous books will be translated into the Uzbek.

Translation and publication of books will have the following stages:

• at stage 1 - annually the Expert Council forms a preliminary list of books;

• at stage 2 - the preliminary list is placed in the information systems of the Agency for Youth Affairs for selection by the public by voting and thus the final list shall be formed.

As part of the project, at least 20% of popular science works will be included in the list of published books every year. In 2023-2024, it is planned to translate, prepare for printing and publish 50 books.

Public procurement related to translation and publication will be held through the selection of the best proposals and a tender. A mobile app will also be created that will provide free access to the translated books.

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