Saturday, 21, September, 2024

The Czech Republic is interested in Uzbekistan's uranium and copper, and in return can offer technology and mining equipment, the Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala said, welcoming the Uzbekistan Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov. The visit of the head of the government of Uzbekistan to the Czech Republic took place on October 10-11.

“The Czech Republic is a highly industrialized country, and therefore we strive to ensure the energy security. Of course, in this regard, we are interested in fossil resources from reliable suppliers. In return, our companies can offer mining and processing technologies and know-how, as well as in water resources management,” Radio Prague quotes the Czech Prime Minister.

“Uzbekistan has significant resources of copper, gold, uranium and natural gas. And, the production of these raw materials opens up the possibilities for the supply of Czech technologies and equipment,” the Czech government said in a statement.

During the meeting, the parties also explored the opportunities for defense-industrial cooperation. “Czech companies are interested in becoming a reliable partner for the Armed Forces of Uzbekistan and thereby offering an alternative to military equipment of Russian origin from the times of the Soviet Union,” the press service of the Czech government reported. According to Petr Fiala, in 2024 a delegation of Czech businessmen representing the defense and security industries will visit Uzbekistan.

The Czech Prime Minister added that direct flights between Prague and Tashkent would be launched next year.

The heads of government of the two countries signed a joint declaration on expanding cooperation between the governments of Uzbekistan and the Czech Republic.

In the adopted text, both countries state that they are interested in expanding mutual cooperation in areas of mutual interest, including military-industrial, economic or cultural, as well as in the fields of education, research and science. Both countries expressed their desire to contribute to regional cooperation between the European Union and Central Asia.

Petr Fiala noted that Abdulla Aripov was the first Uzbek prime minister to visit the Czech Republic. “This is a kind of signal that we are heading in the right direction and our relations are gaining new dynamics,” he emphasized.

The Prime Minister of the Czech Republic visited Tashkent in April, where he held talks with the President and Prime Minister of Uzbekistan and attended the business forum. The Czech authorities expressed interest in purchasing uranium and copper, supplying trams, trains and airplanes. The organization of direct flights and other issues were also discussed.

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