Saturday, 21, September, 2024

Video of a traffic officer pushing a woman into a police car and kicking her went viral on social media on Monday. Another officer at this time picks up the small child and gets behind the wheel with him.

The Fergana province police department commented on the situation. The footage shows two traffic police officers on duty at the intersection of Islam Karimov and Kuvasoy streets in Fergana attempted to conduct a “preventive conversation” with a woman who was begging with a child in her arms. The woman resisted, the report said.

When they tried to put her in the car to take her to the police department, the woman threw the child to the ground, but the inspectors caught him.

“The policeman’s further actions caused a public outcry. On the same day, an internal inspection was carried out, and the traffic police officer, who committed inappropriate actions and violated professional ethics, was fired,” the police department said in a statement.

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