Sunday, 22, September, 2024

At a meeting of the Kyrgyz Jogorku Kenesh yesterday, on May 3, the MPs in three readings reviewed and passed the Ratification of the protocol on amending the agreement between the government of the Kyrgyz Republic and the government of the Republic of Uzbekistan on mutual trips of citizens dated October 3, 2006, signed on January 27, 2023 in city of Bishkek Bill.

According to the press service of the parliament, the Kyrgyz Deputy Foreign Minister Almaz Imangaziyev noted that the protocol on amending the above agreement by the parties provides for updating the list of documents of citizens for entry, exit, transit, movement and stay on the territory of the two states.

According to him, the need for the changes is due to the introduction and use of biometric passports by the states of the parties to the agreement. The ratification of the protocol will facilitate mutual trips of citizens of the two states, since it provides for the use of an ID card as a travel document for entry, exit, transit, movement and stay on the territory of the states of the parties to the agreement. During the discussion, the Foreign Minister Jeenbek Kulubayev answered the MPs’ questions.

MP Emil Toktoshev clarified a number of questions about the procedure and timelines of stay of citizens of Uzbekistan in Kyrgyzstan, the use of an ID card for mutual trips of citizens of the two states.

Representatives of the Kyrgyz Foreign Ministry replied that a visa-free regime was established for citizens of Uzbekistan for up to 60 days. At the same time, the deputy Ulugbek Ormonov raised the issue of the need to control the entry / exit of citizens of foreign states.

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