Sunday, 22, September, 2024

On April 26, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted a resolution on cooperation between the UN and the Council of Europe, which mentions Russia's aggression against Ukraine.

The Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the UN said that Russia wanted to remove the mention of aggression against Ukraine in the resolution, but the document was adopted with 122 votes in favor. Russia, Belarus, Nicaragua, Syria and North Korea voted against the Resolution. While Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and 15 other countries abstained.

Unexpectedly Kazakhstan voted in favour pf the resolution, so did China and Türkiye.

The resolution referred to the Russian aggression in the following clause:

“The Russian Federation’s ongoing aggression against Ukraine is the latest litmus test of the inability of the Council to effectively fulfil its main role — first to prevent, and then to stop the war and the bloodshed.  “All this comes down to the detrimental effect of the abuse of veto right by a permanent Member,” he asserted.  However, before Ukraine, there was Georgia — a country which in 2008 experienced the inability of the Council to act.  To avoid the repetition of the same scenario in the future, the Council must be reformed, and first and foremost, address the issue of the use of veto”.

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