Wednesday, 12, March, 2025

During his Andijan province trip, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev familiarized himself with the project of a large logistics complex for processing, freezing and marketing of fruit and vegetables, set up by JV Navigul in Khojaabod district.

The Uzbek-German JV is supplies both local and foreign markets fresh and processed fruit and vegetables. The company products, including tomato paste, dried pepper, eggplants, apples, cherries and peaches are in demand not only in high demand.

Tashkent Tasting Wine Factory, a subsidiary of UzvinoSanoatholding is currently implementing a project, on NBU’s loan, a joint venture Fruit Industries LLC which is expected to engage in processing and drying of fruits and vegetables, production of juice. It will also build a greenhouse for growing seedlings on 6 hectares and an intensive garden with drip irrigation on 255 hectares. It is planned to grow vegetables on 615 hectares and build a refrigerated warehouse with  7,000 tons of capacity.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev, pressing a symbolic button, launched the first stage of the project - the construction of a fruits and vegetables drying line, then observed the full cycle of production line in the example of drying cabbage and beets, and inspected samples of dried products.

The total project cost is $24 million, of which 14 million dollars is a loan from NBU, the rest is the company's own funds.

The new enterprise, which is expected to be commissioned in the Q3 this year is designed to process 30,000 tons of fruit and vegetables a year, with 1250 jobs created.

Presentations were also held of a project of Obod turmush Orzusi farm in Asaka district for drying fruit and vegetables and a refrigerated warehouse and the Food Sector Development Program for 2017-2018, implemented by UzbekOzikOvqat (Uzbek Food) holding and banks.

The President gave instructions to timely implement these projects, noting that new enterprises should be uninterruptedly provided with raw materials.

Here the President was presented the Andijan Leather and Footwear Production Development Program for 2017-2018, implemented by UzbekCharmPoyabzali (Uzbek Leather Shoe) and banks, other projects in this industry, was briefed told about planned activities for the further development of the market infrastructure.

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