Friday, 14, March, 2025

Cabinet of Ministers issued Measures to improve procedure for attracting external debt by state enterprises Resolution on Friday.

From May 1, 2022:

  • in order to draw external debt and regulate its provision, state-owned enterprises are automatically classified as “low-risk”, “medium-risk” and “high-risk” according to their financial condition;
  • the amount of external loan shall be reflected in business plan of state-owned enterprises.

The measures are aimed at establishing oversight over the attraction and use of external debt by state unitary enterprises and business entities with a state share of 50 percent or more in the authorized capital and legal entities with a state share of 50 percent or more in the authorized capital.

The document establishes:

  • the upper limit of external debt servicing costs (interest rate, commission and total remuneration) of enterprises with state participation is set quarterly by the Republican Commission for Ensuring Openness and Transparency of Public Procurement;
  • consideration of feasibility studies and other documents of projects financed by external borrowing of state enterprises in the competent authorities is carried out after the submission of a positive opinion of the Republican Commission or documents confirming its notification.

The Resolution approved the Regulations on the procedure for attracting external debt by state-owned enterprises. The regulation regulates the procedures for obtaining permission from the Republican Commission to attract foreign loans and control the state and activities of state-owned enterprises.

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