Wednesday, 12, March, 2025

The Government of Uzbekistan issued a resplution approving the roadmap for 2018 aimed at financial improvement and boosting the efficiency of the companies that are part of UzbekEnergo, according to

Modern information management systems needs to be implemented and independent international audit are required for the subsidiaries of UzbekEnergo.

The supply of the electricity and electrical products (supports, transformers, reinforced concrete products, etc.) to Afghanistan is expected to be increased.

Financial recovery of six unprofitable enterprises is envisaged. In particular, the uncompleted steam pipe from Mubarek gas processing plant ato the Mubarek CHPP, three-block evaporative units and the construction of the 350 t/h capacity chemical water treatment plant at Navoi TPP will all be suspended.

In addition, the resolution also approved the list of 72 non-relevant and unused assets which are to be privatised at public auction, as well as 13 unused land plots and faciites of UzbekEnergo subsidiaries will be handed over to local authorities.

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