Saturday, 21, September, 2024

The General Prosecutor's Office of Uzbekistan issued an address to fellow countrymen abroad and warned of liability for joining the armed forces of foreign states.

According to article 154 of the Criminal Code of Uzbekistan, mercenarism, that is, participation in the territory or side of a foreign state in an armed conflict or hostilities of a person who is not a citizen or soldier of a country in conflict, or who does not permanently reside in territory controlled by a party to conflict , or not authorized by any state to perform official duties as part of the armed forces, in order to obtain cash rewards or other personal benefits, shall be punished by imprisonment from 5 to 10 years.

Under article 154-1 of the Criminal Code, the joining of an Uzbek national into military service, or service of security agencies, police, military justice or other similar bodies of foreign states, is punishable by a fine of up to 300 basic settlement units (9 million soums) or correctional labor up to 3 years, and when recruiting - up to 5 years in prison.

“Accordingly, we call on our countrymen living in foreign countries not to join the armed forces, not to participate in hostilities and once again warn that such actions entail criminal liability,” the address says.

2 days ago, the State Duma of Russia adopted in the second and third readings amendments to the legislation on simplifying the obtaining of Russian citizenship by foreigners. On September 21, the Federation Council approved the Bill, which will come into force after it is signed by the president.

In accordance with the amendments, "foreign citizens who have entered into a contract for service in the Armed Forces, other troops or military formations of the Russian Federation for a period of at least one year (instead of the current three years)" will be entitled to obtain Russian citizenship in a simplified manner without the need to obtain a residence permit.

The Moscow government announced the opening in the Sakharovo migration center of a full-fledged infrastructure to assist the Russian Defense Ministry in organizing the entry of foreign citizens into the military service.

Yesterday, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a partial mobilization in the country.

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