Friday, 20, September, 2024

During the year, Uzbekistan plans to introduce the procedure for assigning an old-age pension not requiring applying to any authorities, Minister of Justice Ruslanbek Davletov said at a meeting of the Legislative Chamber on July 20.

“The state should correctly feel its obligation to provide old-age pensions, and we want to introduce a system of assigning pensions without applying ... People work so much, serve the state and society, and when they reach the last stages of their lives, they suffer from bureaucracy and red tape,” he said .

According to him, today the courts consider many disputes related to pension provision.

“In fact, this should not be happening. There should be no dispute over pensions. Because [a person] has worked so much, and the state must create appropriate opportunities. Any contradictions should be interpreted in favor of the recipient of the pension,” he stressed.

Ruslanbek Davletov announced plans to switch to this system in a year. The Ministry of Finance is the main executor of the project.

In Uzbekistan, the right to receive a pension for men comes from the age of 60 with 25 years of work experience, for women - from 55 years of age with 20 years of work experience. To assign a pension, you can apply with an application to the departments of the Pension Fund:

  • employees - through the administration of the organization;
  • members of dekhkan farms and individual entrepreneurs - on their own;
  • non-working citizens - on their own.

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