Friday, 20, September, 2024

The Legislative Chamber and the Senate at a joint meeting on Wednesday evening approved the decree of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev on the early termination of the state of emergency in Karakalpakstan. The joint resolution of the chambers of parliament entered into force on the same day.

On the afternoon of July 20, MPs of Jokargy Kenes issued an appeal to the President, in which they asked him to cancel the state of emergency.

Then the President signed a decree on the termination of the state of emergency from 5:00 on July 21. The decree states that “public order has been restored in Karakalpakstan and, thanks to the measures taken, the safety of citizens, the protection of their rights and freedoms have been ensured.”

The state of emergency was introduced from July 3 for a period of a month after the tragic events of July 1-2 in Nukus, which, according to official figures, killed 21 people and injured more than 270.

On July 14, the state of emergency was relaxed, namely, the curfew was set from 23:00 to 05:00 (instead of 21:00-7:00).

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