Friday, 20, September, 2024

 It is planned to completely eliminate potholes on the main streets of Tashkent in 10 days, the city mayor, Jahongir Artykhodzhaev announced at a meeting in the mayor's office on Wednesday.

“As you know, the winter was not that severe, but over the past 50-60 years, Tashkent has not seen such torrential rains. After the rains, the asphalt on our streets showed its real state and potholes appeared. This led to a sharp discontent of our citizens,” he said.

The mayor instructed Anvar Umarov, head of the Main Improvement Department under the mayor’s office, to eliminate all the potholes in the streets in 10 days.

“Anvar you have 10 days you, together with the district mayors, the relevant departments, must concentarte all the equipment available in Tashkent, which belongs to private companies and your department. You have 10 days. In 10 days you must completely repair the major streets, the main streets. I understand it's hard. We have a big city, but you need to take responsibilities. If necessary, organize work at night,” he said.

Jahongir Artykhodzhaev asked the police department to oversee the streets repair and facilitate the movement of residents. He said that work should be suspended during peak hours in order "not to annoy the public."

“It will be unforgivable if you fail to follow the set deadline. Let's ask the prosecutor to take control over the quality of work and the spending of funds ... Not a single pothole should remain. We will not accept low-quality work,” he said.

The city mayor also asked residents to send photos of the potholes in the streets to the Xalq Nazorati (Citizen Oversight) portal.

“We are living in the year 2022, not in the previous century. It is necessary to approach to the performance of work with intelligence, order and quality. Whoever does the work of poor quality will be held accountable,” he said.

Potholes on the inner streets in mahallas are planned to be eliminated within the framework of the Obod Mahalla program during the year.

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