Friday, 20, September, 2024

On February 14, 2021, a lady of Nukus, N.Yu., gave birth to a baby girl. The next day, on February 15, at 9:15 am, the doctors of the Regional Perinatal Center of Karakalpakstan declared the death of the newborn and at 10:15 am they transferred her to coroner, the Prosecutor's Office of Karakalpakstan said.

When the coroner made an anatomical incision of the chest, the child showed signs of life. However, no first aid was provided to the girl at the coroner's, only doctors were called from the perinatal center and the child was returned to them.

The baby died as a result of late provision of necessary medical care.

On April 6, the Nukus prosecutor's office opened a criminal case under Improper performance of one's professional duties, resulting in the death of a person by negligence charge, which is punishable by house arrest from 2 to 5 years or imprisonment up to 5 years of the Criminal Code of Uzbekistan.

According to the conclusion of a forensic medical examination conducted on October 26, 2021 during the preliminary probe into the criminal case, the cause of the child’s death was an anatomical incision made live and failure to perform artificial lung ventilation during resuscitation. The examination also showed that the baby could have survived if he had received proper medical care.

The defendants in the criminal case are A. D., the chief of the neonatal intensive care unit of the Regional Perinatal Center of Karakalpakstan, S. R., the neonatologist of the perinatal center of Karakalpakstan, and K. G., the pathologist of the pathoanatomical bureau of Karakalpakstan.

In December 2021, the preliminary investigation of the criminal case was completed, on the same day the materials of the criminal case were presented to the defendants for review and sent to the Nukus city criminal court.

Currently, the case is being considered in the Nukus city court.

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