Friday, 20, September, 2024

With power outages and many popular social networks blocked, including Twitter and TikTok, Uzbekistan does not look like an ideal place for a career in information technology, Euronews website said.

Meanwhile, many of them have moved here from Russia over the past month and a half, as they have to some other former Soviet republics.

“In fact, life in Tashkent exceeds all expectations,” says Anastasia Markova, an employee of IT Park. – I can say that this country has accepted us as their own. Uzbeks are very hospitable and friendly.

In the light of recent events in Uzbekistan, a special program for hiring professionals and IT companies has been urgently developed at the state level. Explains Bakhodir Ayupov, Deputy Director of IT Park:

“Thanks to highly and medium-skilled specialists who have now moved here, we have a very good opportunity to build up local young specialists and upgrade their level.

Reportedly, Uzbekistan hopes that the influx of new personnel will help achieve plans to modernize the economy, a significant share of which is still associated with cotton production.

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