Friday, 20, September, 2024

On April 4, the President signed the Measures to ensure safety and reduce score of deaths on highways Decree. The Decree underscores that the number of road traffic accidents leading to death in the country remained high.

“It is required to bring the road infrastructure in full compliance with modern standards, introduce an effective system aimed at preventing of traffic offenses , as well as the widespread introduction of digital technologies that rule out the human factor,” the document says.

The Decree was adopted "in order to guarantee protection against any incidents of human life and health on highways in a New Uzbekistan."

Also starting from December 1, 2022 a system of penalty points will be introduced for drivers for traffic offenses.

The system will provide for the following procedure:

  • adding penalty points for each violation of traffic rules within 12 months;
  • deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle for a certain period in case of reaching the ceiling of penalty points;
  • reducing penalty points for drivers who have not violated the road rules for a certain period of time.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Justice were instructed to prepare, within a month, based on the best foreign experience, draft regulation providing for the introduction of a system for adding penalty points to drivers for traffic violations.

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