Friday, 20, September, 2024

On May 7-8, Sulim Padang village in the Boysun district will host an open folklore festival Boysun bahori, during which centuries-old folk values ​​and traditions will be sung.

According to the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, as per the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers "On measures for organizing and holding the Boysun bahori international folklore festival", more than 200 representatives of folklore groups will attend the traditional holiday with costumes and ancient melodies.

As part of the holiday, competitions in national wrestling, ethnosport, cycling marathons, goat-kupkari, leaf throwing, tug of war, chilak and other folk sports are planned to be held.

Reportedly, the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, the Ministry of Culture, the Surkhandarya province mayor’s office and other partner organizations are actively preparing for the festival.

At the end of the festival, the best folklore and ethnographic teams, winners of sports and folk games will be awarded.

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