Friday, 20, September, 2024

Recently, story surfaced in social networks about the alleged recruitment of the Uzbek military into the army units of foreign states. In particular, on February 25, a video was posted on social networks showing an Uzbek-speaking driver driving a truck with Russian troops in the Donbass.

According to the press service of the Ministry of Defense, according to Article 125 of the Constitution, the armed forces of Uzbekistan are created to protect the state sovereignty and territorial integrity of Uzbekistan, peaceful life and security of its population.

According to the Uzbekistan’s defense doctrine, the defense policy is based on the principles of non-interference in the internal affairs of other states, the peaceful settlement of possible disputes.

In addition, the Criminal Code provides for an article for entering, recruiting for military service, for service in the security, police, military justice or other similar bodies of foreign states.

“In view of the foregoing, the Republic of Uzbekistan, including the military personnel of the country, are not participating in hostilities outside the country. The widespread false information about the start of military recruitment in Uzbekistan by foreign states has no real grounds,” the defense ministry concluded.

Earlier, on February 25, Nastoyasheye Vremya, citing foreign media outlets, reported that Russia was enlisting Uzbek migrants in the invasion of Ukraine and added that Uzbek migrants are to find such jobs in the Russian army through the UzMigrant website. The reason why migrants agree to work in the war zone is to fast track Russian citizenship or a good salary.

UzMigrant said that it was not intended to help migrants find work in the Russian army and that it was a legal information service for Uzbek-speaking migrants in Central Asia.

“We do not call on any citizens (be it Uzbeks or citizens of other countries) to join the invasion in Ukraine. We do not cooperate with any military or paramilitary structures,” UzMigrant said in a statement.

Note: The Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan establishes liability for mercenarism under two articles.

In particular, according to the Article 154 of the Criminal Code, in hostilities on the territory of another state or on its side, is punishable by imprisonment for five to ten years.

This Article also contains the responsibility for training or funding mercenarism.

The Article 154-1 of the Code sets responsibility for joining foreign troops.

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