Friday, 20, September, 2024

Termez Province Railway Junction of Uzbekistan Railways received the delivery of freight and passenger locomotive from China on Wednesday.

According to Uzbekistan Railways, a new electric locomotive manufactured by China Railway Rolling Stock Corporation has been delivered to Uzbekistan, taking into account the climatic conditions of Uzbekistan.

The new electric locomotive is an 8-axle passenger and freight electric locomotive with 2 sections with a capacity of 9,600 kW. This locomotive is reportedly operable in all weather conditions with heavy loads without excessive difficulty. According to the technical description, this type of locomotive can increase the speed up to 120 kilometers per hour. The service life of the locomotive is 40 years.

The electric locomotive, manufactured by TOSHIBA, is equipped with TCMS control and diagnostic system, which protects the electric locomotive from overloads, faults and notifies the driver in a timely manner.


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