Friday, 20, September, 2024

The Minister of Health Behzod Musaev and the country head of the UNICEF office Munir Mammadzade signed a road map for 2022-2025, the Ministry of Health said in a statement.

This document contains additional measures to develop the healthcare sector in Uzbekistan worth a total of $102.5 million. It consists of four area.

The first area is aimed at the urgent tasks of improving perinatal services in the country. Among them are increasing the level of knowledge and skills of health workers specializing in the protection of motherhood and childhood, equipping medical institutions with modern medical equipment and saving the lives of underweight babies.

The second area includes vaccinating children according to the national vaccination schedule and equipping existing sanitary facilities with modern equipment.

In addition, major projects will be implemented aimed at improving the water supply of a number of schools in Karakalpakstan. It is also planned to address a number of issues such as preventing iodine deficiency and anemia in children.

The third area consists of measures aimed at improving the nutrition of mothers and children. Among them are such important tasks as providing 6-23-month-old children and women under 35 with iron and folic acid, developing nutrition standards in schools.

The last area involves improving the quality of medical services for adolescents. Within its framework, projects such as the development of a national strategy to improve the health of schoolchildren, the preparation of training programs for health workers providing services to adolescents of this age, and the creation of a platform to promote a healthy lifestyle among young people will be implemented.

The implementation of the bilateral roadmap is expected to serve to strengthen maternal and child health in Uzbekistan and increase the level of knowledge and skills of medical workers working in this direction.

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