Friday, 20, September, 2024

On Monday, with the movement of moist air mass from Caucasus into Uzbekistan, it will rain in places, snow will fall in the mountainous areas, and there will be no precipitation only in provinces of Ferghana Valley. In some places, wind intensification up to 15−20 m/s is possible. The air temperature will be within +13…+18 degrees Celsius, Uzhydromet reported.

On March 1, over most of the country, the rains will continue, but will already be weaker. In the north, precipitation will stop. On March 2, the humid air mass will move to the east, rains will continue only in Tashkent province and Ferghana Valley at night and in the morning. During the day the air temperature with clouds will not exceed +12…+17 degrees.

From the second half of the week, air is expected to be carried from the south to the territory of Uzbekistan, which will lead to very warm weather without precipitation. The air temperature in the daytime will rise to +18…+23, in the south and the desert zone - up to +25…+27, which is 10-12 degrees above the climatic norm for these days.

The increased removal of very warm air can cause an increase in wind speed up to 15–20 m/s on March 4.

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