Friday, 20, September, 2024

The Cabinet of Ministers issued Introducing amendments and addenda to the Measures to organize the issuance of state treasury obligations and bonds of the Republic of Uzbekistan resolution Resolution.

According to the Ministry of Finance, government securities can be purchased by residents (including individuals) and non-residents of Uzbekistan. So far, the placement of government securities among individuals and non-residents has not been provided.

According to the Resolution:

  • the concepts are being inducted of primary and secondary dealership to perform dealer functions in the government securities market;
  • the possibility of issuing government securities linked to inflation is being created;
  • formulas used by the International Association of International Capital Markets can be used to calculate returns and interest;
  • results of auction will be calculated on the basis of international standards T+0, T+1 and T+2;
  • the possibility of issuing government securities is being created through the issuance of international identification codes;
  • interest payments on government securities are planned to be made every six months in accordance with international standards;
  • information on operations in the government securities market (auction announcements, auction results and necessary information for investors) will be regularly published on the websites of the Ministry of Finance, the Central Bank and the UzForEx.

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