Friday, 14, March, 2025

President signed Measures to Expedite Reforming Government Entities Decree on Wednesday. According to Norma, the Decree has established that:

  • government entities operating in industries with developed competition, where five or more private business entities operate in one commodity market, are to be terminated or privatized with transformation into business entities;
  • government entities must have treasury accounts on the Single Treasury Account.

From April 1, 2022:

  • ministries, departments and local government bodies shall post on their official websites and update on an ongoing basis the information about the name, activities, functions and powers, as well as the heads of government entities that are part of them;
  • information about government entities in provinces regions and higher authorities is posted on the website of the State Assets Management Agency;
  • information about higher-level organizations, owned real estate, construction in progress and vehicles, structure of planned and incurred expenses and other information (with the exception of information of limited distribution or containing commercial secrets must be published on the open data portal in a format convenient for users;
  • in the decision on the establishment and the charter (regulation) of government entities, its organizational and legal form is indicated - government entity;
  • shares and stakes in the authorized fund (authorized capital) of business entities owned by state bodies, local government bodies, state unitary enterprises, government entities, the Central Bank, as well as the fund for reconstruction and development are all deemed as government shares;
  • shares and stakes in the authorized fund (authorized capital) of economic companies owned by economic companies with state participation are not deemed as government shares.

From March 1, 2022 to August 1, 2023, state institutions are prohibited from establishing and participating in the authorized capital (authorized capital) of business entities, except as provided for by decisions of the President and the Cabinet of Ministers.

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