Friday, 20, September, 2024

The first long-haul train service was completed in Uzbekistan. The length of the route, passing through almost the entire country, was about 4 thousand kilometers.

"On February 5-7, passenger trains No. 654/653 operated the first run along the Kungrat-Namangan-Andijan-Kungrat route. It is noteworthy that such long-distance train service was operated for the first time in our country.

Passengers who depart from Kungrat on this train will pass through the cities of Khodjeyli, Nukus, Uchkuduk, Navoi, Samarkand, Jizzakh, Gulistan, Tashkent, Namangan, Andijan, and from Andijan they will return to Kungrat.

The main goal of establishing such a transport link connecting 8 provinces, first of all, is to provide passengers, especially those living in Karakalpakstan, with affordable and convenient transport services for traveling to the valley, as well as from the valley and other cities and provinces to the Aral region.

According to the schedule, these trains will run from Kungrat on Saturdays, and from Andijan on Sundays," the Ministry of Transport said in a statement.

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