Friday, 20, September, 2024

The Russian Ministry of Digital Development has created an office of digital attachés within Russian trade missions abroad, RBC reports. The main task of this office will be to promote Russian IT products abroad.

According to the Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko, in 2022, "digital attachés" will start working in 16 countries, and in 2024 will expand to 28 countries. Among the first are Brazil, Vietnam, Germany, Egypt, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Cuba, Malaysia, UAE, Singapore, Thailand, Turkey, South Africa and South Korea.

The Russian Ministry for Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media, the Industry and Trade Ministry, and the Russian Fund for the Development of Information Technologies (RFRIT) signed the relevant agreement.

"The selected candidates will work in an integrated manner to promote domestic software products abroad, provide consulting, information and analytical, legal and organizational support to Russian IT companies in the countries of presence. Their main task is to develop the export of Russian digital solutions.

In accordance with the agreement, the Ministry for Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media will be responsible for the recruitment of "digital attachés". The department has already started a competitive recruitment process for employment in the trade missions of the Russian Federation abroad, the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister told TASS. The Economic Development and Trade Ministry is responsible for employing the candidates at the Russian trade missions abroad. The RFRIT competencies include training and professional development of specialists, as well as interaction with domestic IT companies.


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