Friday, 20, September, 2024

On February 8-12, 2022, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Central Asia Media Program is hosting its third annual innovative seminar on media and digital literacy, MediaCAMP Eduthon 2022. The online event is gathering university professors, schoolteachers, media trainers, and experts in the field of media and digital literacy from Central Asia and beyond to promote media literacy in the region. Over the course of five days, 30 participants from Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan will gain new skills and be mentored as they develop projects promoting media literacy.

Opening the event, USAID Central Asia Regional Mission Director, Lawrence Hardy, noted, “An informed citizenry equipped with the skills to sort through what is true and what is false is one of the most important ways to tackle the spread of disinformation.” He added, “Through media literacy initiatives, like this one, we are promoting critical thinking so that you, educators, can in turn positively influence your students to be savvy media consumers.”

This year’s Eduthon focuses on creative forms of media literacy, with an emphasis on the promotion of media literacy through art. Experts will discuss advertising, film literacy, games, and visualization to teach media literacy and create engaging content. Anyone interested in media literacy, is welcome to attend open sessions that will be streamed on Internews’ Facebook page on February 8 and 9, 2022. Sessions will cover advertising semiotics and film literacy. For details, visit this link.

“We hope that this Eduthon will help media literacy experts address the growing demand for captivating content that is accurate, timely and objective. We look forward to seeing what innovative and creative projects come out of the Eduthon,” said the Head of the representative office of Internews in Central Asia and the Central Asia Media Program Chief of Party, Marat Bigaliyev.

The Central Asia Media Program will provide financial support to some of the most promising projects developed at the Eduthon for further implementation in 2022.

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