Friday, 20, September, 2024

At a press conference the Minister of Justice, Ruslanbek Davletov said that a number of new anti-corruption bills had been developed. Reportedly one of such drafts is the Unified State Register of Ultimate Beneficiaries bill.

“This is a very important bill, regarding offshoring. Say, there is a company, on the surface we know the founder, the director. But you can't get hold of the end-beneficiary. Therefore, the law must put an end to this.

The ultimate beneficiary will is still an individual, not a legal entity. Behind every company there is a person. That is why we developed this bill. We will also put it up for public input. It will be very useful if it is supported and approved,” said the Minister of Justice.

He added that a draft bill on the prevention of conflicts of interest has also been prepared.

“Conflicts of interest, you know, are very big processes related to tenders, relatives, children of governors and mayors. We developed this bill also because there are no conflicts of interest regulations that everyone could read and understand and that are needed as a single standard. This is a very good draft. We are not yet able to present it to the public. Because we are working with ministries,” said Ruslanbek Davletov.

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