Friday, 20, September, 2024

On January 12, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed the Hydrometeorological Activities Bill into Law. The Law outlines the basic principles of hydrometeorological activities, defines objects and subjects, specialized organizations in this area.

The main areas of the national policies in the field of hydrometeorological activities are:

- development and implementation of state and other programs;

- adoption of regulations that determine the terms and procedure for performing hydrometeorological activities, development of accounting and reporting systems;

- formation, improvement and maintenance of the unified state system of hydrometeorological observations and measurements;

- providing government bodies and the public with information about the actual and forecasted state of the environment, its pollution, including emergency information;

- conducting scientific fundamental and applied research in the field of hydrometeorology, climate change, environmental pollution, etc.

In accordance with the Law, official warnings, forecasts and other hydrometeorological information related to ensuring the safety of the life of the population, preventing possible damage, are provided to its consumers only by a specially authorized state body.

The document also provides for the rights and obligations of producers and consumers of hydrometeorological information, the procedure for organizing and implementing hydrometeorological activities, their financing, international cooperation in this area, liability for violating the legislation on hydrometeorological activities, and a number of other regulations.

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