Friday, 20, September, 2024

On January 7, at about 15:00 in the Yunusabad district of Tashkent, a driver of black GM Malibu without license plate ignored the restrictions set on the route of the president's motorcade, who was visiting the Lyceum and the Academy of the State Security Service. The footage of the incident surfaced on social media.

The footage shows how the car, despite the demand of police officers at an intersection, continues to move. UAZ Patriot, presumably belonging to special services, begins to follow him. Then GM Malibu returns, the car is surrounded by officers, followed by UAZ Patriot blocking the way, with several gun shots made.

Despite being surrounded, the driver starts driving again and drives away. They shoot at the car again. UAZ Patriot starts pursuit again. In total, about 10 shots were heard.

The spokesman to the Interior Ministry Shokhrukh Giyasov, commenting on the incident, said that the driver, A.A., 45, was heavily drunk.

“Officers used firearms as per the instruction in order to prevent possible grave consequences as a result of illegal actions of the driver,” said Shokhrukh Giyasov.

“The vehicle was forcibly stopped, the driver was rendered harmless. Nobody was hurt as a result of the use of weapons, ”he added.

The published photograph shows at least one bullet mark - on the driver's door.

On the fact of the incident, the Yunusabad District Prosecutor's Office opened a criminal case under Article 219 of the Criminal Code (“Resisting to law reinforcement officers or a person performing a civic duty”), with investigation underway.

According to available information, the driver was previously convicted.

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